Fractional & Growth Consultant


I’m Stacey, I help B2C and B2B companies scale their businesses by leveraging over 15 years of experience in growth marketing. My expertise spans venture-funded and private equity-backed businesses, which allows me to tailor my approach to your specific needs.

I specialize in:

  • Developing comprehensive growth marketing plans that drive sustainable growth

  • Leveraging data-driven insights to optimize marketing campaigns

  • Fostering collaboration across departments for seamless execution

  • Building, scaling, and managing high-performing marketing teams

What type of business do you have?

Venture-Funded Startup Marketing

I provide comprehensive guidance and support to venture-backed startups across all stages, from pre-funding to Series C. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by startups and am dedicated to helping you establish and drive your go-to-market strategies to achieve growth.

How I can help you:

  • Marketing Leadership and Guidance

  • Sounding Board for C-Level and Marketing Team

  • Build and Manage High-Performing Marketing Teams

  • Conduct Comprehensive Audits of User Growth

  • Develop New Marketing Strategies

  • Create Marketing Playbooks

  • Setup and Organize Data for Tracking & Optimization

  • Establish KPI Benchmarks and Targets

  • Provide Marketing Insight for Fundraising

Private Equity-Backed Marketing

I provide comprehensive guidance and support to private equity-backed businesses, helping you optimize user acquisition metrics, unit economics, and drive exponential revenue growth.

How I can help you:

  • Growth Marketing Leadership and Guidance

  • Optimize Marketing Investments to Maximize ROI

  • Identify Untapped Growth Opportunities

  • Drive Customer Acquisition and Enhance Retention

  • Expand into New Markets with Strategic Planning

  • Streamline Post-Merger Acquisition Integration

  • Produce Marketing Strategies for Mergers & Acquisitions


I look forward to hearing from you and exploring if I can help your company grow and build value.Please get in touch and we can quickly schedule a complimentary consultation video call to discuss your company’s needs.

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